
Positron is Artsy Writer or the editorial tool for Artsy.

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Positron is Artsy Writer or the editorial tool for Artsy.


Build Status


  • Install NVM
  • Install Node 5
nvm install 5
nvm alias default 5
  • Fork Positron to your Github account in the Github UI.
  • Clone your repo locally (substitute your Github username).
git clone git@github.com:craigspaeth/positron.git && cd positron
  • Install node modules
npm install
  • Create a .env file in the root of the project and paste in sensitive configuration. You can copy the .env.example and fill in the sensitive config with the config vars from staging heroku config --app=positron-staging.

    ( note: Leave non-sensitive configuration as it appears in the .env.example rather than copying over the config vars from heroku config --app=positron-staging. )

  • Positron uses MongoDB as a database. To install MongoDB using homebrew do the following, if you would prefer to install manually check the documentation at MongoDB

brew install mongodb
  • Start the MongoDB database
  • Start the server
make s

Additional docs

You can find additional documentation about Positron (deployments etc) in this repository's /doc directory.