
Build Serverless Application with CodeBuild

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Serverelss Application

AWS Account

Configuration of AWS CLI

aws_access_key_id        = aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aws_secret_access_key    = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
aws_session_token        = ccccccccccccccc

Quickstart for CI/CD

$ git clone https://github.com/zamirajaupaj/serveless-application-sam.git
$ cd serveless-application-sam

You can deploy easily from your local computer using this command

$ sam package \
    -- template-file template.yaml \
    -- s3-bucket $BucketName \
    -- output-template-file packaged.yaml \
    -- profile $profileName \
    -- region $AwsRegion

$ sam deploy \
    -- template-file packaged.yaml \
    -- stack-name $myStack \
    -- capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
    -- profile $profileName \
    -- region $AwsRegiom

You can upload the source code in CodeCommit

create Codecommit using terraform