Better Pagination

Better Pagination is a jQuery plugin written in coffeescript (although I also provide the generated JS in both the normal and minified version) that provides infinite scroll and/or loading of elements by clicking on a show more button. This is often useful when listing a lot of elements and you don’t want to do normal pagination within a table.

It’s a very small file (1.64KB min version) and fully configurable. All requests happen through AJAX.


The jQuery library.

Usage Example

Client Side

  starts_at: <%= POSTS["index_limit"] %>
  load_on_scroll: true

Server Side

It must have a path that responds with the correct json information, given a start_at parameter through an HTTP GET action.

The response should have the format:

  html: # The html escaped string of the list of elements
  has_more: # A boolean that is true if there are any more elements and false otherwise
  new_start: # The database id of the last returned element or nil if has_more is false

Here is an example in Ruby on Rails:

def load
  @posts = # get relevant posts

  html_str = render_to_string( partial: "posts/post", collection: @posts)

  respond_to do |format|
    format.json { render json: { html: html_str, has_more: !@posts.empty?, new_start: (@posts.last) ? : nil } }



The id of the last element currently loaded


Automatically load elements when the scroll bar gets to the bottom


The jQuery selector of the div to show when loading


The jQuery selector of the link to click in order to show more


The jQuery selector of the div to show when there are no more elements


The path to the load method


Boolean that turns on or off the debug messages