
Primary LanguagePascalOtherNOASSERTION


Copyright (C) Alexey A.Chernobaev, 1996-2003.
(CP1251: Àëåêñåé Àíàòîëüåâè÷ ×åðíîáàåâ)

Some code was converted and modified from the free sources of other authors.

See LICENSE for licensing details.


I. Overview

Vectors is a class library for Object Pascal (Delphi 1, 3-7, Borland C++
Builder, Borland Kylix, Free Pascal v.1.0 and higher) which implements vectors
(dynamically sized arrays) based on different Object Pascal's simple types
including all integer and real types, booleans, pointers and strings. These
vectors resemble TList class type from Delphi VCL but in addition to the common
operations like insert and delete they offer a wide range of operations
depending on the type of the vector elements - sorting, searching, arithmetic
vector operations for number-type vectors, logical operations for boolean
vectors and so on. The library also implements a range of derivative and additional
classes - sparse vectors, matrixes, queues, stacks, dictionaries, streams.

II. Installation

First, extract all files from the archive to some directory.

DELPHI: include the path to the library units to the Delphi Library Path
(Tools|Environment Options, Library page).

FREE PASCAL: include the path to the library units to "ppc386.cfg" file.

E.g. if the directory for Vectors units is C:\Delphi\Vectors then you
should include to "fpc.cfg" the following lines:


Alternative way is to specify the paths in the compiler command line.

WARNING: for Free Pascal you should specify options "-Sd -Sg -Sh" when using
Vectors units.

III. Documentation

For a brief documentation please see Docs directory of this distribution or
Vectors Library Web page:


Some test programs and examples are also included (see Test directory).

My Home Page (now in Russian only except Vectors page) is:


Feel free to e-mail me: alexch@caravan.ru

Moscow, Russia
