
created by Błażej Karnecki est. 2023 Rent me is an tool for managing housing reservations both short and long term!

Primary LanguageJava


About The Project

Rent me is an app for maintaining reservations of residential facilities both short and long term!


You need to have a Java SDK installed and and set the JAVA_HOME and MAVEN_HOME environment variable to point to a valid Java SDK and Maven.

For testing an application use POSTMAN!

Example request body for MonthSummaryReport:

{ "dateFrom": "2023-02-01", "dateTo": "2023-03-01", "landLords" :[1,3] }

Project details

Project is based on Java17 and Spring Boot 3.0. Database is H2 in-memory due to fast accessability and 'just a review' usecase.