Scripts for Ping Identity's products.
Scripts that use the Admin REST API that PingFederate provides since version 7.x.
import into (or delete from) PingFederate a set of IDP connections specified in an XML metadata file -
manage adapters from the commandline -
manage OAuth Clients from the commandline -
manage OAuth Persistent Grants for a user from the commandline -
manage Trusted CA certificates from the commandline -
manage SSL server certificates from the commandline -
backup/restore from the commandline -
add a virtual server ID to an existing SP Connection -
rotate a symmetric encryption key for a JWT access token - add a verification certificate to a SP connection
Scripts that use the PingAccess Admin REST API.
access the PingAccess Admin API with an OAuth 2.0 Client
Scripts that use the SCIM API provided to the PingOne directory.
manipulate users and groups in the PingOne directory.
Start/stop scripts for *nix operating systems.
Replicate the configuration configured in the Admin Console to the cluster using the commandline instead of the GUI.
Show the exact version number of PingFederate including minor/build tags.
Count users by analyzing the audit.log files.
Start a Java-based GUI to inspect the Hypersonic database used e.g. for refresh token storage.
Demonstrates the Resource Owner Password Credentials (ROPC) grant type from the commandline using cURL.
Demonstrate the authorization code flow from the commandline using cURL.
Perform RFC 7662 compliant token introspection from the commandline using cURL.
Demonstrate the client credentials flow from the commandline using cURL.
Demonstrate the refresh token grant type (after initial ROPC) from the commandline using cURL.
Demonstrates alternatives for leveraging the Resource Owner Password Credentials (ROPC) grant type in an OpenID Connect fashion.
Demonstrates setting the lifetime of persistent grants based on context of the authorization request (scopes).