
A simple kanban board.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Check out the live demo version here!

You can also run it as an Electron app! Read more here.



A card represents a task. It is placed in the column that describes its status: Todo, Doing, or Done.

  • To add a new card, click on the + icon on the upper right side of the taskbar.
  • To see more details about a card, simply click on it.
    • To edit or delete the card, click on the edit or delete button on the upper right corner.
  • To place a card into another column, simply drag and drop it into the column of your choice.

Tags are used to categorize your cards. To add tags to a card, fill out the tags field when editing or creating a new card.

  • When adding multiple tags, separate the tags with commas (,)


A board is a collection of cards.

  • To see a list of your boards, click on the board name on the upper left side of the taskbar.
    • To switch boards, simply click on the board you want to switch to.
    • To add a new board, click on the button at the bottom of the list.
    • To edit or delete a board, click on the edit or delete button on your selected board.
  • To filter the cards by tag, click on the filter button on the upper left side corner of the taskbar and choose the filtering tag.
    • Click on the clear filters button at the bottom of the list to reset the filters.

Saving your data

Click on the save button located in the upper right corner of the taskbar to save the current state of your cards and boards. (The data is saved in data/data.json.)

If you exit or refresh the app without saving, all of the changes you made will be lost!

Installation guide


  • Node.js, npm
  1. Download or clone the repo.

  2. Navigate to the root directory of the app and install all dependencies:

npm install

You may need to fix some vulnerabilities. Run npm audit fix to fix them.

  1. Build the React app:
npm run build
  1. Start the server:
npm start

The server runs on port 8080 by default. To change it, modify the SERVER_PORT value in the .env file. You'll also need to update the proxy settings in package.json to match the new port.

  1. Open localhost:8080 in a browser.

If you changed the port, use your port number instead of 8080.

Setting up React development server

If you want to modify the React source files, you may want set up the CRA development environment:

npm run start:dev

By default, the React server runs on port 3000. To change it, open the .env file and change PORT to your desired port number.

Remember to run npm run build to rebuild your app after you're done developing.

Enabling Redux Logger

When an action is dispatched, Redux Logger prints the previous and current state on the console. To enable this feature, go to src/redux/store.ts and set loggerIsActive to true.

Customizing the background images

Upload the images you want to use in the public folder.

  • To change the background of the app, go to App.css and change the background image.
    • The default image used is a simple grid pattern made by yours truly.
  • To change the background image of the board, go to src/components/ColumnsContainer.tsx and change the background image in the makeStyles function.

Running the Electron app

npm run start:electron

Packaging the Electron app

npm run package

This will create a new directory called kanbanboard-<your_OS> that contains an executable program (.exe/.app, depending on your OS).

Uninstallation guide

  1. Just delete the root folder of the app :)

The packaged Electron app is not installed on your device, so it's safe to just delete the folder :)

Author and licensing

Developed by Zandrex Camagon. Licensed under MIT License.