Tidy Tuesday Collection

(Arranged in reverse chronological order, with most recent projects at the top)

2024 W14
Du Bois Challenge v2
2024 W14
Du Bois Challenge v1
2024 W13
March Madness
Infographic Version Pictogram waffle plot showing distribution of occupations for 330 black graduates from Atlanta University as of 1990 Heatmap showing percentage of pick to win by round for each time
2018 W1
US Tuition v2
2018 W1
US Tuition v1
Table with State, first year tuition, last year tuition, percent_increase, and sparklines, in alphabetical order split across three columns Density Ridgeline plot showing distribution of tuitions for all states by year, the density plots slowly flatten and shift right (increase).


Some thoughts to help provide context around some of these graphs.

2024 W14: Du Bois Challenge

At first I made a tree chart and then realized that I wanted to actually visualize all 330 graduates as a way to honor them. I made the first waffle chart entirely in R, but after a few days realized that I wanted to make a faceted waffle chart. I was able to brute force the package into making facets, but the text didn't cooperate at that point. I used Adobe Illustrator to create the finished product.

2018 W1: US Tuition

I went all the way back to the beginning and my first visualizatio was the ridge plot. I then saw a table with sparklines somewhere online and decided to use the same data to learn how to make a table with sparklines. Visualizing all 50 states made for a really long table, so I created three versions: a short table with the ten states that saw the greatest increase in tuition, a super long table with all 50 states listed vertically (seen here, and a final version where I outputted three smaller tables and compiled them together in AI (seen here).