zang09/ORB_SLAM3_ROS2, may cause conflict with

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i have opencv 4.2.0 installed and i think it supports 4.0.9 if needed , so how can i fix this issue?
im using ubuntu 20.04lts + ros2 foxy+ orbslam3

I was able to get rid of this warning by building/including cv_bridge inside the colcon workspace where I have the ORB_SLAM_3 ROS2 package. So instead of installing the ros2 opencv packages as apt-get install ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-vision-opencv, I instead followed the instructions here: (i.e. I cloned vision_opencv from the appropriate ros2 distro branch into colcon_ws and then ran a colcon build)

As a side note, it's important to make sure you don't have multiple OpenCV versions installed, at least when getting set up initially. You should use OpenCV 4.2.0 in the beginning