
stereo-inertial node can't run well

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Hey zang, have you successfully run stereo-inertial mode in realtime?
By my side it also output IMU not initialzation and Empty IMU Measurement Vector!!
Do you have any idea how to solve this?

I am having the same issue, I am trying to run using a D435i realsense camera. In my case the ORB-SLAM3 keeps waiting for images, even when I am publishing directly the images from the camera to it.
Screenshot from 2023-02-22 22-34-02

Hi, i have successfully run in real-time with simulator dataset.
Did you compile with this repo? The fixed version of ORB_SLAM3 in stereo mode.

No i do it on original ORB-SLAM3, but by my side , the stereo model works completely fine, The issue happen only when Stereo-Inertial model. Anyway i will try this repo first. Thanks.

I also use the D455I and even i changed to the orb-slam3-fixed, it still the same condition. The tracking thread can't work, IMU can't be initialized. I checked ros2 topic of imu. Data streams are there and subscriber topic is correct. Do you have any idea about that?

I am working with stereo-inertial as well. I tried both the repo you shared with the fixed ORB-SLAM3 and the official one. I also tested a D455 and a D435i camera, checked the ROS2 rqt_graph, and used the infra1 and infra2 as the left and right cameras. It looks like the imu is also connected to ORB-SLAM3. However, it still not shows any images. I tested the ORB-SLAM3 directly, and it seems to work correctly. Also, I was trying to test the monocular or stereo package with my camera, but whenever I start the "ros2 run orbslam3 ", the program runs and prints Starting the Viewer, but as soon as the orbslam3 windows open, it just closes by itself. Any idea what I am doing wrong? have you tested your code with real-time cameras?. I have not tested the Euroc data, because I have a restriction on not using ROS in the computer I am working on. so I can not install the ros1 and ros2 bridge. I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and Ros2 foxy.


Did you check your D435i.yaml file? Calibration parameters may cause your problem.

Did you check your D435i.yaml file? Calibration parameters may cause your problem.

Yes, I did, what I am not sure is if I need to rectify or not the image when using the Infra1 and 2 as left and right. I am using the yaml file of the 435 as it is in the config folder, and from what I get, ORB SLAM3 should be showing something even with the parameters a little of, can you share your yaml file you used for D455?

Did you check your D435i.yaml file? Calibration parameters may cause your problem.

Yes, I did, what I am not sure is if I need to rectify or not the image when using the Infra1 and 2 as left and right. I am using the yaml file of the 435 as it is in the config folder, and from what I get, ORB SLAM3 should be showing something even with the parameters a little of, can you share your yaml file you used for D455?

Sorry for later respone, i just uesed the default yaml of D435i, i remeber i had the same issue like you before. No images input, so i changed one router, after that, i can recive the images. It may happen when the bandwidth is not enough. But i'm not sure whether this method also suitable for you.

I can try. Do you mean an actual router or something on the code? sorry for the basic question, but I do not understand what you mean with router there.

I can try. Do you mean an actual router or something on the code? sorry for the basic question, but I do not understand what you mean with router there.

WLAN router

I met the same problem,i tried to combine ros2 orbslam3 with gazebo,when i run the code,there was no output on the orbslam3,but the ralation of topic is correct,i really don't know what going on.