Exercise > Calculate connections asynchronously and parallelized

Calculate connections scenario

  • In this exercise, you will implement an version of the connections method that has the following properties:

    • It should perform the calculation asynchronously. Hence it will return a Future[Set[Seq[Hop]]]
    • It should, when present, exploit parallelism of the underlying compute infrastructure

Step by step instructions

  • Start from a copy of the non-tail recursive version of the connections method

  • Rename the method to connectionsAsync and define it to return an instance of Future[Set[Seq[Hop]]]

  • What other change needs to be applied to the connections method parameter list[s] in order to enable to utilisation of Futures?

  • Adapt the inner connections method to take a single argument soFarF of type Future[Vector[Hop]] and that returns a Future[Set[Vector[Hop]]]

  • Start by adapting the code to do the first call to the inner connections method:

    nextHops flatMap (hop => connections(Vector(hop)))

  • Apply the "let-the-types-guide-you" principle:

    • Look at the type of the elements you have and the type of what you need to produce
    • You will run into the situation where the nested types are "in the wrong order"


  • Future.sequence will certainly be part of the solution

  • Also consider applying map or flatMap

  • If you manage to adapt the code for the first call to the inner connections method, you should be able to adapt the code in the inner method using the same principles

  • You may need one extra step in the inner method to account for the fact that a Future is passed as an argument instead of a concrete value

  • Use the test command to verify the solution works as expected

  • Use the nextExercise command to move to the next exercise.

Verify that the asynchronous version parallelises the algorithm

We have introduced concurrency in the implementation, but the question is, will this result in parallel execution of some of the concurrent tasks?

In order to find out, let's add some basic for of logging by adding a log method in the JourneyPlanner source file using the following definition:

  def log(msg: String): Unit = {
    println(s"${System.currentTimeMillis()} - ${Thread.currentThread.getName}: $msg")

Now add a logging statement in the inner (recursive) connections method like so:

        log(s"connections: ${soFar}")

Place this statement at a location so that it is invoked each time the inner connections method is called.

We could run the com.lightbend.training.scalatrain.JournalPlannerSpec, as this runs the asynchronous implementation of the connections method. Problem though is that, for other reasons, the testing system runs the tests on a single thread. This can be verified by running the tests and observing that each invocation runs on the same thread.

So, we need to write a small application that will execute the method.

Therefore, create a new Scala source file (AsyncConnectionsMain) and an object with the same name that extends App.

Copy the test data object (exercises/src/test/scala/com/lightbend/training/scalatrain/TestData.scala) into the new source file.

In object AsyncConnectionsMain, import TestData._.

Run the asynchronous connections method like so:

  val connections = planner.connectionsAsync(dusseldorf, munich, Time(6,0))

Note that you will need to provide an implicit ExecutionContext. The easiest way to do this is to import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global.

Run the application and observe parallelism.

Congratulations: you have completed the course!

Bonus exercise

The single soFarF parameter to the inner connections method is a Future[Vector[Hop]]. It is relatively straightforward to refactor the code so that connections takes a Vector[Hop].

As a bonus exercise, do this refactoring and re-run the AsyncConnectionsMain main program. What has changed? Can you explain what you observe?


Printing out the calculated connections in a readable format can be done using the following helper method (defined in a companion object for the JourneyPlanner):

object JourneyPlanner {
    def printConnections(connections: Set[Vector[Hop]]): String = {
    val cs = for {
      (connection, index) <- connections.to(Vector).zipWithIndex
      hop <- connection
      departureTime = hop.departureTime
      arrivalTime = hop.arrivalTime
      trainInfo = hop.trainInfo
      from = hop.from
      to = hop.to
    } yield (index + 1, f"$trainInfo%30s - @ $departureTime: ${from.name}%-20s - @ $arrivalTime: ${to.name}%-20s")
    val t = cs.groupMap(_._1)(line => line._2).to(Vector).sortBy(_._1)
    val w = for {
      (index, v) <- t
      c = v.mkString("\n")
    } yield s"\nConnection $index:\n$c"
