Pratice Git commit & pull

###My Github First Time with MarkDown!

About This Site:

This is my first website from github, which I built from scratch. I tried to apply knowledges of HTML and CSS which I gained from Hacktiv8 Coding Bootcamp online preparation class. They call this class as Phase-0, which divided into 6 weeks. Each week consists of fundamental knowledges, which will be useful as a foundation for the upcoming immersive on-site coding class, later on after finishing Phase-0.

Used Tags & Syntaxes:

  • HTML:

  • Basic HTML structure : <html>,<head>, <title>,<body>

  • Header Tags : <h1>,<h2>,<h3>

  • CSS:

  • font-family

  • font-size

  • border

  • margin

  • Etc

About Me:
1️⃣ I love Music & Sport. I often post activity photos on my instagram.
2️⃣ Always to learn something new. there are still many we do not yet know this biggest world
3️⃣ This year will i make decision very hard. As I escaped from my job, for better future 🚀