
Webpage tracking only using CSS (and no JS)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Crooked Style Sheeting

Proof of concept for website tracking using only CSS and without Javascript.

What can we do with this method?

We can gather some basic information about the user, like the screen resolution (when the browser is maximized) and which browser (or engine) is used. Further we can detect if a user opens a link or hovers with the mouse over an element. This can be used to track which (external) links a user visits and using the hover method. It should be even possible to track how the user moved their mouse (using an invisible table of fields in the page background). However, using my method it's only possible to track when a user visits a link the first time or hovers over a field the first time. Maybe it's possible to modify the method so that it is possible to track every click.

Furthermore it is possible to detect if a user has installed a specific font. Based on this information it should be possible to detect, which OS a users uses (because different operating systems ship different fonts, e.g. "Calibri" on Windows).

How does it work?

In CSS you can add a image from an external resource using the url("foo.bar"); property. Interesting is, that this resource is only loaded when it is needed (for example when a link is clicked).

So we can create a selector in CSS that calls a particular URL when the user clicks a link:

#link2:active::after {
    content: url("track.php?action=link2_clicked");

On the server side a PHP script saves the timestamp when the URL is called.

Browser detection is based on @supports Media-Query, and we check for some browser specific CSS property like -webkit-appearance:

@supports (-webkit-appearance:none) {
    #chrome_detect::after {
        content: url("track.php?action=browser_chrome");

For font detection a new font family is defined. Then a text is tried to style with the font that should be checked if it exists. When the browser does not find the font on the user's system the defined font is used as a fallback. When this happens the browser tries to load the font and calls the tracking script on the server.

/** Font detection **/
@font-face {
    font-family: Font1;
    src: url("track.php?action=font1");

#font_detection1 {
    font-family: Calibri, Font1;


Here you can find a demo of the files in this repository. The index.html is the file that is being tracked using this method. Visit the results.php for the results of the tracking.

If nothing, or a PHP warning appears after a property, means that the value of this property is false, or that the user has not visited the page or link yet (Yeah, it's a bit dirty, but you can see the principle of the method).

Also, resolution detection doesn't work so well yet, because I only have detection for the most used screen widths. Further, it is a bit tricky to detect the real screen height of the user, because CSS uses the height of the browser window and stuff than the Windows' task bar makes the browser area smaller than the monitor.