A pythonscript in docker for tweeting your retroachievements from emulationstation on your raspberry pi!
- obviously a Twitter account & api keys (http://twitter.com)
- an retroachievements account & api keys (https://retroachievements.org)
- docker installed and ready to run
- clone the repo
- go to "AchievementAnnouncer/config"
- in this "config" folder add the following files and contens:
- Long.url - The long url to your retroachievemnts profile
- Short.url - The short url to your retroachievemnts profile
- RetroAchievements.key - Your retroachievments api key
- RetroAchievements.user - Your retroachievments username
- TwitterAccess.token - Your twitter access token
- TwitterAccessToken.secret - Your twitter access token secret
- TwitterApi.key - Your twitter api key
- TwitterApiSecret.key - Your twitter api secret
- run "build-and-run.sh" to build your dockerimage
- 1.0: Initial release.