Computer AI that can't be beaten at TicTacToe
Learning Goals
- Use your knowledge of polytrees to build a tree of all possible outcomes
- Write an AI that uses your nodes to always win at TicTacToe
Download the skeleton to get started. In the skeleton is a tic_tac_toe.rb file which contains an improved version of the TTT solution from w2d4 in the App Academy Prepwork. Today, we will be writing a TicTacToeNode class which utilizes the Board class from the TTT solution. We will also be writing a SuperComputerPlayer class which builds on top of the ComputerPlayer class from the TTT solution.
Once you've downloaded the files from the repo, check that you can run the specs:
bundle exec rspec spec/01_tic_tac_toe_node_spec.rb
bundle exec rspec spec/02_super_computer_player_spec.rb
Of course, they should be failing right now. Call your TA over if you have problems.
Phase I: TicTacToeNode
Let's create a class TicTacToeNode. This will represent a TTT game-state: it will store the current state of the board plus the next_mover_mark of the player who will move next. Also, if given, store the prev_move_pos (this will come in handy later).
This doesn't use the TreeNode you made earlier. We are making a completely new class independent of the TreeNode.
Write a method children that returns nodes representing all the potential game states one move after the current node. To create this method, it will be necessary to iterate through all positions that are empty? on the board object. For each empty position, create a node by duping the board and putting a next_mover_mark in the position. You'll want to alternate next_mover_mark so that next time the other player gets to move. Also, set prev_move_pos to the position you just marked, for reasons that will make sense when we use it later.
Next, we want to characterize a node as either a winner or a loser for a particular mark (evaluator). We will write two methods: #losing_node?(evaluator) or #winning_node?(evaluator). These methods are not optional, you will need them both.
A #losing_node? is described in the following cases:
Base case: the board is over AND
If winner is the opponent, this is a losing node.
If winner is nil or us, this is not a losing node.
Recursive case:
It is the player's turn, and all the children nodes are losers for the player (anywhere they move they still lose), OR
It is the opponent's turn, and one of the children nodes is a losing node for the player (assumes your opponent plays perfectly; they'll force you to lose if they can).
NB: a draw (Board#tied?) is NOT a loss, if a node is a draw, losing_node? should return false.
Likewise, a winning node means either:
Base case: the board is over AND
If winner is us, this is a winning node.
If winner is nil or the opponent, this is not a winning node.
Recursive case:
It is the player's turn, and one of the children nodes is a winning node for the player (we'll be smart and take that move), OR
It is the opponent's turn, and all of the children nodes are winning nodes for the player (even TicTacToeKasparov can't beat you from here).
Notice that winning_node? and losing_node? are both defined recursively. This is what makes them look at all the ways the game can play out. For instance, a node can be a winning node even though we won't win on the very next turn; it just requires that, assuming we play perfectly, eventually we'll beat the opponent no matter what they do.
Phase II: SuperComputerPlayer
Write a subclass of ComputerPlayer; we'll override the #move method to use our TicTacToeNode.
In the #move method, build a TicTacToeNode from the board stored in the game passed in as an argument. Next, iterate through the children of the node we just created. If any of the children is a winning_node? for the mark passed in to the #move method, return that node's prev_move_pos because that is the position that causes a certain victory! I told you we would use that later!
If none of the children of the node we created are winning_node?s, that's ok. We can just pick one that isn't a losing_node? and return its prev_move_pos. That will prevent the opponent from ever winning, and that's almost as good. To make that even more clear: if a winner isn't found, pick one of the children of our node that returns false to losing_node?.
Finally, raise an error if there are no non-losing nodes. In TTT, if we play perfectly, we should always be able to force a draw.
Run your TTT game with the SuperComputerPlayer and weep tears of shame because you can't beat a robot at tic tac toe.