
Forge solutions to Ethernaut Web3/Solidity based wargame

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT

ethernaut forge

Forge solutions to Ethernaut Web3/Solidity based wargame https://ethernaut.openzeppelin.com/

Each level solutions are composed of ONE Attacker Test, ONE Attacker Script and eventually ONE Attacker Smartcontract to deploy:

  • Attacker Tests : test the solution locally
  • Attacker Contract : deploy a optionnal smartcontract
  • Attacker Scripts : run the solution on the target nerwork (optionally after deploying the attacker smartcontract)

A generic template also provided for future levels. Objective of this repo beeing to both learn solidity security and forge tooling

Methodology derived from Ethernaut CTF Solutions and Walkthrough for Ethernaut CTF written in Solidity with the help of Foundry Framework https://blog.dixitaditya.com/series/ethernaut

Trivial solution are often similar, other ones usually differs. More assertions and logs added to Tests ans Scripts.