
One forge script to deploy all your contracts on multiple evm networks and register all addresses to connect your frontend UI

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT


DeployLite is a forge script to ease contract deployments on mutliple EVM networks

DeployLite registers deployed addresses in a single json file, to be used by your frontend UI


  • Idempotent Deployments: DeployLite ensures that a contract is deployed only if it is not already deployed onchain
  • Immutable Variable Handling: DeployLite identifies contracts by their on-chain bytecode, even when immutable variables are present
  • Metadata Management: DeployLite avoids redeploying contracts if only metadata (such as formatting or comments) has changed, without any code modifications
  • Multi-Contract Support: DeployLite supports the deployment of multiple contracts in a single operation

You can use a unique DeployAll.s.sol script to deploy all your contracts, ensuring only modified contracts to be redeployed.



install forge-deploy-lite into your foundry project with:

forge install zapaz/forge-deploy-lite


Set specific fs_permissions settings in your foundry.toml configuration, like this:

# to write to addresses.json
fs_permissions = [
  {  access = "read-write", path = "./addresses.json"},
  {  access = "read-write", path = "./out"}]


Set environment variables, to be used in foundry.toml

  • INFURA_API_KEY (or ALCHEMY_API_KEY or other...) for your rpc url
  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY_ETHEREUM (or other...) to verify your contract

to be used by deploy scripts:

  • CHAIN is the name of the chain you are deploying to
  • SENDER the address of this sender of the deployment transactions
  • ACCOUNT is the name of one keystore account holding securely the private key of SENDER

Here is an example .env file for testing with anvil:

export INFURA_API_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export ETHERSCAN_API_KEY_ETHEREUM="xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

export CHAIN="anvil"
export SENDER="0x9965507D1a55bcC2695C58ba16FB37d819B0A4dc"
export ACCOUNT="anvil5"

deployLite script

To keep it simple, only use deployLite for your deployment script.

The Counter deploy script is as follow, to be writen in a file DeployCounter.s.sol :


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {DeployLite} from "lib/forge-deploy-lite/DeployLite.s.sol";
import {Counter} from "src/examples/Counter.sol";

contract DeployCounter is DeployLite {
    function deployCounter() public returns (address) {
        return deployLite("Counter", abi.encode(42));

    function run() public virtual {

For your contract, just replace everywhere Counter by the name of your contract.

DeployLite checks onchain if bytecode is already deployed, and then stops if this is the case, or deploys contract and writes deployed address in adresses.json (you have to pass the forge script 2 times to validate that a deployment has succeeded, if not some "Contract_last" addresses will appears in your addresses.json file)

deployLite comes in 3 flavors to optionnaly handle constructor argument and immutable variables=

  • one param when you have no constructor arguments and no immutable variable
function deployLite(string memory name) external returns (address addr);
  • two params when you have constructor arguments but no immutable variable
function deployLite(string memory name, bytes memory data) external returns (address addr);
  • three params when you have immutable variables
function deployLiteImmutable(string memory name, bytes memory data, bool immut) external returns (address addr);

advanced deploy script

Two more advanced deploy functions are avaible, to tune the deployment process: deployStateand deployfunctions

  • deployState return the actual state of deployment (must be outside broadcasting)
    • possible values are :
      • Null: deployment not checked yet
      • None: no deployment found
      • New: new deployment has just been made
      • Already: existing identic deployment exists, no need to redeploy
      • Older: a older different deployment exists, redeploy needed
function deployState(string memory name) public returns (DeployState state)
  • deploy actually deploys data bytecode for named contract (must be inside broadcasting)
function deploy(string memory name, bytes memory data) external returns (address addr);

Here is an example for Complex.sol contract:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {DeployLite} from "../../src/DeployLite.s.sol";
import {Complex} from "../../src/examples/Complex.sol";

contract DeployComplex is DeployLite {
    function deployComplex() public returns (address) {
        bytes memory args = abi.encode(1_000, 1);

        DeployState state = deployState("Complex", args, true);

        if (state == DeployState.None || state == DeployState.Older) {
            deploy("Complex", args);
        return readAddress("Complex");

    function run() public virtual {


deploy contract

To deploy and verify your contract, launch the following command:

forge script script/deploy/DeployCounter.s.sol --fork-url $CHAIN --sender $SENDER --account $ACCOUNT --broadcast --verify

or via pnpm task

pnpm deploy:broadcast --verify

validate contract deployment

To validate deployment of your contract, launch the following command:

forge script script/deploy/DeployCounter.s.sol --fork-url $CHAIN --sender $SENDER

or via pnpm task

pnpm deploy:validate

deploy and validate contract

To deploy AND validate your contract, launch the following command:

pnpm deploy:deploy

It will run deploy:broadcast then deploy:validate

multiple contracts deployment

You can deploy multiple contracts at the same time, in the same block

Just write a Deploy<Contract>.s.sol for each contract and a DeployAll.s.sol script with run inluding multiple deploy("CONTRA${CT_NAME}")calls like this :

contract DeployAll is Contract, Contract2{
    function run() public override(Contract, Contract2)

It is recommended to deploy contracts one by one the first time, then you can use DeployAll (with same compiler options), as it will only redeploy modified contracts.


here is a example of the resulting file:


  "31337": {
    "chainName": "local",
    "Counter": "0x90193C961A926261B756D1E5bb255e67ff9498A1"
  "11155111": {
    "chainName": "sepolia",
    "Counter": "0x34A1D3fff3958843C43aD80F30b94c510645C316"

Note that you can get some fields like:

"Counter_last": "0x34A1D3fff3958843C43aD80F30b94c510645C316"`

In this case, run the validate script to get a validation (pnpm deploy:validate) of this deployement. Sometimes deployments fails and this ..._last address is not deployed, in this case just relaunch deploy script (pnpm deploy:broadcast). No worry to delete this field.


  • document howto to also include deploy in tests
  • manage zkSync Era specific deployment
  • ...

Any suggestions welcome! (just open an issue or a PR)
