
The UI elements and controls with a demo app for the Heating system

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


##Push-to-make buttons (use debounce logic and polling on a timer, not enough interrupts)

##Rotary encoders Illuminated RGB Quadrature

todo: Fork from Mercurial into git - for now use QEI

mbed add http://os.mbed.com/users/aberk/code/QEI/

#Display Red on black 16x2 LCD - part discontinued.


RED-on-Black Serial LCD Commands

PyOCD install notes

If you are on Windblows and using Visual Studio code (free), then these notes may help.


  1. install pyocd
  2. install libusb - the 32-bit dll into c:\python37 (the 64-bit dll is not going to get loaded by the python interpreter dwarves, even though you might be hopeing it will.)
  3. run openocd


  1. go to your .elf file folder (in a new shell)


  1. run gdb

arm-none-eabi-gdb ...

As usual it goes all wrong again at this point, so i am pasting notes from Steve Mylroie'e Slideshare