
Autobahn WebSockets - Python Twisted WebSockets plus RPC / PubSub.

Primary LanguagePython

Autobahn WebSockets

Autobahn WebSockets for Python provides an implementation of the WebSockets
protocol which can be used to build WebSockets clients and servers.

   * supports Hybi-10 - Hybi-17 protocol versions
   * usable for clients and servers
   * easy to use basic API
   * advanced API for frame-based/streaming processing
   * very good standards conformance
   * fully asynchronous Twisted-based implementation
   * supports secure WebSockets (TLS)
   * Open-source (Apache 2 license)


Autobahn WebSockets also includes a WebSockets test suite which can used to
test client and server implementations for protocol conformance.
The test suite includes over 200 test cases and has broad protocol coverage.


Autobahn WebSockets also provides an implementation of the

   WebSocket Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP)

which can be used to build applications around Remote Procedure Call and
Publish & Subscribe messaging patterns.

   * provides RPC and PubSub messaging
   * built on JSON and WebSockets
   * simple and open protocol
   * usable for clients and servers
   * companion client libraries for jQuery and Android

For more information, please visit: http://www.tavendo.de/autobahn

Commercial support and services is available from Tavendo GmbH.