
Twitter-Like Rails Application with custom made authentication

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby on Rails Tutorial

Build Status

This is the sample application for the Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Web Development with Rails by Michael Hartl.

It has been deployed to heroku (https://twitter-rails.herokuapp.com)

Instead of using a gem such as devise for authentication, it focuses on building a whole authentication system with remember me, activation, reset tokens and other functionalities.

Development Use:

Clone repo:

$ git clone git@github.com:zapidan/twitter-rails.git

Install gems:

bundle install --without production

Install figaro (needed to create ENV variables to create the admin user from the seeds.rb):

$ figaro install

Create ENV variables in config/application.yml

gmail_username: "example@gmail.com"
gmail_password: "password"

Make sure you allow less secure apps on gmail (https://myaccount.google.com/security). Remember to turn it back off once you have finished testing.

Run db migrations and seeding of some fake users:

rake db:setup

Start server and enjoy!

rails server