
A XML-Based Testing Framework for Automated Unit Tests of R Packages

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A XML-Based Testing Framework for Automated Component Tests of R Packages

This provides a framework for R packages developed for a regulatory environment. It is based on the 'testthat' unit testing system and provides the adapter functionalities for XML-based test case definition as well as for standardized reporting of the test results.


Main features

  • Human readible tests - XML based - example
  • Human readible test reports - html websites example
  • High code coverage - codecov

Test types

  • Image comparison - html websites example
  • Data frame element wise comparison
  • List element wise comparison
  • Variables
  • Vectors

Test Report

  • Full package dependency logging in Test reports
  • Full system environment logging in test reports

For who?

  • Everybody working in a regulated field
  • Everybody who has testers that cannot code
  • Everybody that needs pretty test reports
  • Everybody who wants to perform end-to-end tests

Get Started


# For devel version

There are two ways to start with RTest

⚠️ NOTE on reporting functionalities ⚠️

To derive more comprehensive reports from testthat>2.0 you would have to overwrite the testthat function as.expectation.logical by:

assignInNamespace("expect", RTest::expect_testthat, ns="testthat", pos="package:testthat")

To avoid this unsafe call we created an issue at testthat: r-lib/testthat#836

The difference between the testthat and the RTest version of the function lays in the message output. testthat just gives a message in case of failure, while RTest always creates a message.

1 Vignettes


2 Work your way through a basic test setup

The easiest way to start with RTest is to clone this repository and especially the xml-templates folder. There you can find some basic test cases that work without creating a test-adpater. See the figure below to know what this means:

RTest general principle

So what RTest basically does, is allowing you to specify R-function calls and testthat calls inside XML files. Of course it also executes the tests and hands back a pretty nice report.

A basic example of such an XML based test is RTest_TC-generic.xml. It calls the functions

  • example_data_frame
  • example_image
  • example_list
  • example_vector
  • example_variable

that can be found in utils.examples.R. Each function will create an object. example_data_frame an data.frame, example_image an ìmage, ... Inside the XML file you will see an example of testing the variable function as:

<example_variable test-desc="Test relative difference">
    <x value="1" type="numeric" />
    <y value="1.2" type="numeric" />
  <reference value="-0.2" type="numeric" />
    <execution execution-type="silent" />

The R-Code of the function is:

example_variable <- function(x=1.2,y=1){

If you now run the following code inside your clone of this repo:

RTest.execute("./xml-templates", f.pattern="RTest_TC-generic.xml")

an easy to read report will be generated. The full Test report can be found here: https://zappingseb.github.io/RTest/articles/RTest_TC-generic_result.html

But the major point is the variable report output which looks like this:

Variable test report example

And that's the whole principle of RTest. You can generate human-readible tests and get human-readible reports by

  • Generating XML test cases
  • Running RTest.execute
  • Reading the output .html report