
A react native template, with support for TDD and typescript out of the box.

Primary LanguageJava

react-native typescript TDD template

This template is a react-native boilerplate project template to start with for new projects.



  • Fix project.pbxproj file


  • Upgrade to react native v0.63.2


  • [✅] Typescript ready: This template based on the typescript template here

  • [✅] React Navigation ready: Includes react navigation with basic working functionality out-of-the-box to work with.

  • [✅] TDD ready: Includes setup for Jest, Enzyme, Detox for component and e2e testing.

  • [✅] Lint ready: ESlint.


In the desired folder where you want to create the project, open command line and type:

npx react-native init {PROJECT_NAME} --template react-native-template-typescript-tdd

or if you want to install it from Github directly, type:

react-native init {PROJECT_NAME} --template https://github.com/zaprogrammer/react-native-template-typescript-tdd.git

How to use

This template uses functional components and React Hooks, but feel free to use class components, or use your preferred state-management library.


The template structure is as follows:


The src folder is where all our development files/folders reside.

  • App.tsx App entry point and starting screen, where your App function is defined.

  • Navigation.tsx Contains basic navigation stack for main -> details screens.

  • screens Folder to contains app screens (pages). I structured it to contain each screen in its separate folder, like main, detail folders where the screen.tsx and screenStyle.ts files exist.

  • model Contains data objects so to map data retrieved from server or DB to those objects.

  • services Contains API or server calling related classes, and includes an API.ts file as an abstract class to retrieve data from server.

  • helper Other helper classes or functions like abstract DB layer.

  • commons To contain any shared components or app generic functionality like app common styles.


There are very good tutorials (here) covering how to use TDD with react-native so you can apply on this template.

Official documentation for creating custom project templates can be found here.