
:metal: Rest API provider for angular.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Ng-rest-api - is a rest api provider for angular for http actions request to server and instantiate models. Ng-rest-api use ngResource. That simplifies common GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE requests. Also you can easy read headers. And, of course, if you need - you can get plain text response (It is sometimes convenient, but do not overdo it)

Upd: Add support work with cache (see below).

Add to project

Download ng-rest-api.min.js manually or install with bower or npm.

$ bower install ng-rest-api --save


$ npm install ng-rest-api --save

Include ng-rest-api.min.js in your website.

<script src="bower_components/ng-rest-api/ng-rest-api.min.js"></script>

Set ng-rest-api as a dependency in your module

var app = angular.module('app', ['ng-rest-api']);


Create config for ng-rest-api (configure apiProvider). Describe endpoints and http Actions. You need set Model (as class/function or as string (angular factory)) If you would like read headers, just set headersForReading (Response will array, where second parameter it will headers object).

Small note All endpoints has default actions:

  • .get() - GET
  • .update() - PUT
  • .save() - POST
  • .patch() - PATCH
  • .remove() - DELETE

Config example

import Post from './models/Post';

function config(apiProvider, API_URL) {


        .model(Post) // **if u pass model as angular factory u need type string 'Post' (service name) - See below**
        .addHttpAction('GET', 'query', {isArray: true, headerForReading: 'X-Total-Count', params: {limit: 25}})
        .addHttpAction('PATCH', 'patch', {params: {id: '@id'}});
     // **** OTHER ENDPOINTS 


Model examples

ES6 class

class Post {
    constructor({id, short_description, full_description}) {
        this.id = id;
        this.short_description = short_description;
        this.full_description = full_description;

export default Post;

As angular service with DI

ES5 (may ES6 class, just example)

   .factory('Post', Post);
/** @ngInject */
function Post($log, $otherDependency) {

   function PostModel(resource) {
       resource = resource || {};
       this.id = resource.id || null;
       this.short_description = resource.short_description || '';
       this.full_description = resource.full_description || '';

   return PostModel;

Send request to server:

Please DON'T use controller for this :) Use managers (services).

Usage - inject api. Then, request - api.endpoint.method (e.g. api.post.query())

class PostManager {
    constructor($log, api) {
        this.api = api;

    query(queryParams = {}) {
        return this.api.post.query(queryParams);

    getById(id) {
        return this.api.post.get({id: id});

    save(post) {
        return (post.id) ? this.api.post.patch(post) : this.api.post.save(post);

export default PostManager;

Component / Controller

Api endpoints actions always return promise:

import template from './post-list.html';

class PostListController {
    constructor(PostManager) {
        this._PostManager = PostManager;
        this.posts = [];
        this.headers = {};


    _activate() {
            .then(([posts, headers]) => {
            	this.headers = headers;
                return this.posts = posts;

export default {
    template: template,
    controller: PostListController


You can set default cache lifetime globally on config phase:

function config() {
// ... 

Also, you can overwrite lifetime for each action, use $cache -- ( boolean || Object {lifetime, storageMode}) :

    .addHttpAction('GET', 'query', {
                isArray: true,
                $cache: { lifetime: 2000, storageMode: 'localStorage' },
                headersForReading: ['x-total-count'],
                params: { limit: 10 }

You can work with cache in your services:


Available actions:

setLifetime(time) // time in ms
clear() // clear data from cache
enable(active) // active: boolean - enable/disable cache (without clear data)
isActive() // check cache status


.controller('app', (api, $interval)=> {
    let counter = 0;
    $interval(() => {
        api.course.query().then(r => console.log(r));

        if (counter === 3) {

        if (counter === 5) {

        if (counter === 7) {
        * similar to api.course.query.$cache.setLifetime(0);
        * but not the same, after .enable(true) - work continue with last cache before .enable(false)

    }, 2000);