
A golang port of Blurhash encoder

Primary LanguageGo


This is a Go port for the Blurhash algorithm. To find out more about BlurHash, see https://github.com/woltapp/blurhash.


Use go get

go get github.com/zar4za/blursh


Create blurhash from image file

package main

import (
	_ "image/jpeg"


func main() {
	// please check for errors and close the file
	file, _ := os.Open("image.jpg")
	img, _, _ := image.Decode(file)

	hash, err := blursh.Encode(img, 4, 3)

yComp and xComp parameters adjust the amount of vertical and horizontal AC components in hashed image. Both parameters must be >= 1 and <= 8. Basically it means how detailed the hash will be.