Weizhe Li, Weijie Chen
Compare the ASAP with OpenSlide: ASAP doesn’t have detailed manual to describe its commands; OpenSlide has a much better document for its commands. ASAP has a GUI; OpenSlide doesn’t
- Mask file is the ground truth for model training. Mask file has the exact same dimensions as its corresponding WSI image. Mask file is a binary file with normal tissue coded as ‘0’ and tumor tissue coded as ‘1’ for each corresponding pixel of WSI image.
- Mask file generation
- However, the code provided by the organizer is misleading. The mask file generated by the code from their paper is all ‘0’; then another piece of code suggested generated mask file that can be open only by ASAP GUI, not by its command line and OpenSlide.
- Time consuming
WSI and Mask file: tumor_026
WSI and Mask file: tumor_005
To reduce computation, the blank regions (no tissue) on slide will be excluded.
- Color space switch to HSV
- Tissue region segmentation (Otsu’s method of foreground segmentation)
Tumor slide : 1K positive and 1K negative from each slide
Normal slide: 1K negative from each slide
stain normalization (Method II)
The color variety among patches
The patches before and after stain normalization
- flip
- adding color noise (Method II)
Lambda, Normalize input (x / 255.0 - 0.5), outputs 256x256x3
- Convolution1, 5 x 5 kernel, stride 2, outputs 128x128x100
- Maxpooling1, 2 x 2 window, stride 2, outputs 64x64x100
- Convolution2, 5 x 5 kernel, stride 2, outputs 32x32x200
- Maxpooling2, 2 x 2 window, stride 2, outputs 16x16x200
- Convolution3, 3 x 3 kernel, stride 1, outputs 16x16x300
- Convolution4, 3 x 3 kernel, stride 1, outputs 16x16x300
- Dropout, 0.1 rate
- Convolution5, 1x1 kernel, stride 1, outputs 16x16x2
- Deconvolution, 31 x 31 kernel, stride 16, outputs 256x256x2
FCN prediction
-- step 1: Model Training
Optimization method: Stochastic gradient descent
Weight initialization: Random sampling from a Gaussian distribution
Batch size: 32
Batch normalization: No
Regularization: L2-regularization (0.0005) and 50% dropout
Learning rate: 0.01, multiplied by 0.5 every 50,000 iterations (0.01, multiplied by 0.1 per epoch)
Activation function: ReLu
Loss function: Cross-entropy
Number of training epochs/iterations: 300,000 iterations
-- step 2: Negative Mining
Extract additional training patches from false positive regions
Test images were divided into non-overlapping small patches; each patch will get a predicted image for each pixel assigned by probability. Heatmap is a way to display the probability
Put all the patches together and get prediction for the whole slide (code for heatmap generation based on predicted values).
Heatmap for tumor_026:
The overview of heatmap for tumor_026:
Comparison of predicted with ground truth for tumor_005:
Extracting Features for whole-slide image classification task
- The ratio between the area of metastatic regions and the tissue area.
- The sum of all cancer metastases probailities detected in the metastasis identification task, divided by the tissue area. caculate them at 5 different thresholds (0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9), so the total 10 global features
Based on 2 largest metastatic candidate regions (select them based on a threshold of 0.5).
9 features were extracted from the 2 largest regions:
- Area: the area of connected region
- Eccentricity: The eccentricity of the ellipse that has the same second-moments as the region
- Extend: The ratio of region area over the total bounding box area
- Bounding box area
- Major axis length: the length of the major axis of the ellipse that has the same normalized second central moments as the region
- Max/mean/min intensity: The max/mean/minimum probability value in the region
- Aspect ratio of the bounding box
- Solidity: Ratio of region area over the surrounding convex area
Training model again (model-2)
Combine Model-1 and Model-2, do prediction
HMS&MIT, HMS&MGH(model I), Smart Imaging(model II), Osaka University, CAMP-TUM(model II), Minsk Team, DeepCare
Wang, D., et al.: Deep learning for identifying metastatic breast cancer https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.05718
Diagnostic Assessment of Deep Learning Algorithms for Detection of Lymph Node Metastases in Women With Breast Cancer. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5820737/?report=reader#!po=59.4340