
Finely tuned soft gamma, 256 colors, dark background, gvim == vim

Primary LanguageVimL

zxoria is xoria256 with some minor tweaks. /zarac


This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2140

 * Django template, random HTML page: http://i052.radikal.ru/1105/cd/033017b68c3c.png
 * NEDRTree, crazy vim autocomplete: http://i017.radikal.ru/1105/b8/113c699f023f.png
 * vimdiff (indispensable for the sysadmins out there!): http://i048.radikal.ru/1105/05/93e85f0eccda.png
--- outdated a little ---
 * GUI, C code with a :split and foldings: http://i.piccy.info/i3/2f/32/04d9c2b4095038a9ee591e9ef6a3.png
 * Console, C code: http://i.piccy.info/i3/e8/cd/9d32e1fd38e9c8b54848a3f59794.png
 * GUI, Python: http://i.piccy.info/i3/4b/63/8815c1fbed0dfdf2a3a6af1bc83c.png
 * Console, Bash: http://i.piccy.info/i3/6d/fc/f8c24fb713f396dae0127ec2339c.png

I find this colorscheme to be IDE-compliant with its blue statements, gray comments and yelowish strings, constants and numbers. Colors should look almost similar in vim, running in any modern terminal emulator (like recent versions of xterm or konsole), and in GTK2 GUI.