
Grade-tracker is a program designed to help teachers manage the grades of their students. With this application, teachers can easily enter, view, and update student grades for multiple classes.

Grade Tracker

The Grade Tracker is a program written in C designed to help teachers keep track of grades for their classes. With this application, teachers can easily enter, view, and update student grades for multiple classes.


Add new students with their name and ID number Enter grades for two exams and a final project for each student Calculate the final grade for each student using the following formula:

Final grade = (Exam 1 grade * 0.2) + (Exam 2 grade * 0.3) + (Final project grade * 0.5) View a summary of all student grades for a particular class Update grades for existing students Remove students from a class Getting Started


A C compiler installed


Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/username/grade-tracker.git

Navigate to the project directory

cd grade-tracker

Compile the program

gcc grade_tracker.c -o grade_tracker


Run the program ./grade_tracker Select a class from the menu or create a new class

Welcome to Grade Tracker!

  1. Select a class
  2. Create a new class
  3. Quit Enter your choice: 1 Add students to the class

Class: Math 101

  1. Add a new student
  2. View student grades
  3. Update student grades
  4. Remove a student
  5. Back Enter your choice: 1 Enter student name: John Doe Enter student ID: 12345 Enter grades for each student

Class: Math 101

  1. Add a new student
  2. View student grades
  3. Update student grades
  4. Remove a student
  5. Back Enter your choice: 2 Enter student ID: 12345

Student: John Doe (ID: 12345) Exam 1: 80 Exam 2: 90 Final project: 85 Final grade: 86.5 View a summary of all student grades for a particular class markdown Copy code Class: Math 101

  1. Add a new student
  2. View student grades
  3. Update student grades
  4. Remove a student
  5. Back Enter your choice: 2

Student grades for Math 101: John Doe (ID: 12345) - Final grade: 86.5 Contributing We welcome contributions from the community. To contribute to the project, please follow these steps:

Fork the repository Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix Write tests and code for your feature or bug fix Ensure that tests pass and the code is well-documented Create a pull request License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.