
The printf function is used to print formatted output to the console or to a file

Primary LanguageC

printf Function

The _printf function is a custom implementation of the C printf function that takes a format string and a variable number of arguments, and prints the formatted output to the console.

##Usage To use the _printf function, include the main.h header file in your C program:

#include "main.h" Then, call the _printf function with the desired format string and arguments:

int num = 42; char str[] = "world"; _printf("Hello, %s! The answer is %d.\n", str, num); This will print the following to the console:

Hello, world! The answer is 42. Note that the format string contains two format specifiers: %s and %d. The first %s specifier is replaced with the string "world", and the second %d specifier is replaced with the integer value 42. The newline character \n at the end of the format string is printed as-is.

##Supported Format Specifiers This _printf implementation supports the following format specifiers:

%c for characters %s for strings %d and %i for signed decimal integers %u for unsigned decimal integers %x and %X for hexadecimal integers (lowercase and uppercase, respectively) %o for octal integers %p for pointers %% for a literal '%' character Return Value The _printf function returns the number of characters printed to the console, or a negative value if an error occurred.

##Contributing If you would like to contribute to this project, please open a pull request with your changes. All contributions are welcome!