Calculator Program

The Calculator Program is a Python script that allows users to perform basic arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The program provides a command-line interface where users can enter numbers and select operations to perform calculations.


Addition: Perform the addition of two numbers.

Subtraction: Perform subtraction of two numbers.

Multiplication: Perform the multiplication of two numbers.

Division: Perform the division of two numbers.


Python 3.x


Clone the repository or download the file.

Open a command-line interface (CLI) or terminal.

Navigate to the directory where the file is located.

Run the program by executing the following command: python

Follow the on-screen instructions to enter numbers and select the desired operation.

View the calculated result displayed on the screen.

Choose whether to continue calculating or exit the program when prompted.

What is the first number? 5

      • /

Pick an operation: *

What is the second number? 3

5 * 3 = 15

Type 'y' to continue calculating with 15, or type 'n' to exit: y Pick another operation: +

What is the next number? 7

15 + 7 = 22

Type 'y' to continue calculating with 22, or type 'n' to exit: n

Restarting calculator

Feel free to modify and customize the program according to your needs. Contributions are welcome.