Song Check

Song Check home page Song Check song details page Song Check profile page

Song Check is an application that serves as a platform to connect all music lovers. When interacting with our app as a guest, you can view a list of all the songs created by our users and view more information about the song along with its reviews. If you notice you enjoy a user's music taste you can find all of their specifically added songs by searching for the user and viewing their playlist.

By signing in with Google you become one of our users and gain access to adding songs and leaving reviews along with your own profile which you can customize with information such as where you're from and who your favorite musician is.

Click the link below to get started!

Getting Started 🏁

I created this application due to my hobby of recommending songs to family and friends. I thought it would be a great idea to allow users to come together and have a platform where they could both recommend their favorite songs to others and find song recommendations by their preferred genre and leaving reviews on how they felt about the song.

By clicking here you can access my planning materials.

Technologies used 💾

  • JavaScript

  • MongoDB

  • Express.js

  • Node.js

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • Git

Next Steps (Ice Box 🧊)

  • When viewing a users profile, I want to see the mutual songs we share.
  • Implement Apple's MusicKit API to allow users to play a preview of songs.
  • Allow users to add songs using MusicKit instead of manually typing in song information.
  • Allow users to update reviews they created.
  • Sort the songs in a users playlist by the amount of reviews the song has.
  • Implement styling that changes for a users profile depending on when their account was created.