
the backend project for the account management frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Account Management Backend

This Javascript Project defines all Endpoints of the Conference Tool concerning Account Management (Reachable via pwp.um.ifi.lmu.de/g14). It is mainly build with Node.js and Express.

Getting Started


Run the following command to install all necessary npm modules.

npm install

Run the Project locally

In order to run the project locally use this command:

npm run build

Opening localhost:[portNumber] (default: 10014) will show you the backend Documentation. All endpoints and requirements can be found there including the structure of the user model. You can use Postman, Insomnia or any other Programm to execute requests.


(GET) localhost:[portNumber]/researchInterests

States all research interests a user can choose from within the conference Tool. (The same goes for the deployed Endpoint pwp.um.ifi.lmu.de/g14/researchInterests).

Running the tests

We used Jest and Supertest to test our Endpoints and Database functions. To execute them run the following command:

npm run test


In order to Deploy the project on the server (pwpg14) navigate into account-management-backend and pull new git changes. Afterwards execute

pm2 restart backend


PORT=10014 pm2 start ./src/server [optional: --name backend]