
/posts ROUTES (Authenticated):

  • GET /posts/:noOfPosts can be used here to limit the number of posts in your feed.
  • GET /posts: Returns all the posts associated with your followings with default limit 10.
  • POST /posts: Create a post for the user authenticated.

/followers ROUTES (Authenticated):

  • GET /followers/:noOfFollowers can be used here to limit the number of followers to view.
  • GET /followers: Returns all of the user's followers with default limit 10.
  • POST /followers/:userID: Follow a user.
  • DELETE /followers/:userID: Unfollow a user.

/users ROUTES (Unauthenticated):

  • GET /users/login: To login to the account using form-data.
  • POST /users/addUser: To add a new user using form-data.


  • Have to insert Authorization Header in requests for JWT Authentication.


  • social_networkDB is the file for PostgreSQL database.
  • Express, PostgreSQL, Sockets and NodeJS.


  • Data Models
  • User Relationships
  • Authentication
  • Social Feed