
Forward mail from gmail IMAP to a callback URL or job worker, simply. (daemon fork)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


mail_room is a configuration based process that will idle on IMAP connections and execute a delivery method when a new message is received. Examples of delivery methods include:

  • POST to a delivery URL (Postback)
  • Queue a job to Sidekiq or Que for later processing (Sidekiq or Que)
  • Log the message or open with LetterOpener (Logger or LetterOpener)

Build Status Code Climate

About fork

This fork add supply for daemonizing the mail_room gem with the -d option.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mail_room'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mail_room

You will also need to install faraday or letter_opener if you use the postback or letter_opener delivery methods, respectively.


mail_room -c /path/to/config.yml

Note: To ignore missing config file or missing mailboxes key, use -q or --quiet


    :email: "user1@gmail.com"
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :search_command: 'NEW'
      :delivery_url: "http://localhost:3000/inbox"
      :delivery_token: "abcdefg"
    :email: "user2@gmail.com"
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :delivery_method: postback
      :delivery_url: "http://localhost:3000/inbox"
      :delivery_token: "abcdefg"
    :email: "user3@gmail.com"
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :delivery_method: logger
      :log_path: "/var/log/user3-email.log"
    :email: "user4@gmail.com"
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :delivery_method: letter_opener
    :delete_after_delivery: true
      :location: "/tmp/user4-email"
    :email: "user5@gmail.com"
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :delivery_method: sidekiq
      :redis_url: redis://localhost:6379
      :worker: EmailReceiverWorker



Requires faraday gem be installed.

NOTE: If you're using Ruby >= 2.0, you'll need to use Faraday from >= 0.8.9. Versions before this seem to have some weird behavior with mail_room.

The default delivery method, requires delivery_url and delivery_token in configuration.

As the postback is essentially using your app as if it were an API endpoint, you may need to disable forgery protection as you would with a JSON API. In our case, the postback is plaintext, but the protection will still need to be disabled.


Deliver the message by pushing it onto the configured Sidekiq queue to be handled by a custom worker.

Requires redis gem to be installed.

Configured with :delivery_method: sidekiq.

Delivery options:

  • redis_url: The Redis server to connect with. Use the same Redis URL that's used to configure Sidekiq. Required, defaults to redis://localhost:6379.
  • namespace: The Redis namespace Sidekiq works under. Use the same Redis namespace that's used to configure Sidekiq. Optional.
  • queue: The Sidekiq queue the job is pushed onto. Make sure Sidekiq actually reads off this queue. Required, defaults to default.
  • worker: The worker class that will handle the message. Required.

An example worker implementation looks like this:

class EmailReceiverWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(message)
    mail = Mail::Message.new(message)

    puts "New mail from #{mail.from.first}: #{mail.subject}"


Deliver the message by pushing it onto the configured Que queue to be handled by a custom worker.

Requires pg gem to be installed.

Configured with :delivery_method: que.

Delivery options:

  • host: The postgresql server host to connect with. Use the database you use with Que. Required, defaults to localhost.
  • port: The postgresql server port to connect with. Use the database you use with Que. Required, defaults to 5432.
  • database: The postgresql database to use. Use the database you use with Que. Required.
  • queue: The Que queue the job is pushed onto. Make sure Que actually reads off this queue. Required, defaults to default.
  • job_class: The worker class that will handle the message. Required.
  • priority: The priority you want this job to run at. Required, defaults to 100, lowest Que default priority.

An example worker implementation looks like this:

class EmailReceiverJob < Que::Job
  def run(message)
    mail = Mail::Message.new(message)

    puts "New mail from #{mail.from.first}: #{mail.subject}"


Configured with :delivery_method: logger.

If :log_path: is not provided, defaults to STDOUT


Configured with :delivery_method: noop.

Does nothing, like it says.


Requires letter_opener gem be installed.

Configured with :delivery_method: letter_opener.

Uses Ryan Bates' excellent letter_opener gem.

Receiving postback in Rails

If you have a controller that you're sending to, with forgery protection disabled, you can get the raw string of the email using request.body.read.

I would recommend having the mail gem bundled and parse the email using Mail.read_from_string(request.body.read).

Search Command

This setting allows configuration of the IMAP search command sent to the server. This still defaults 'UNSEEN'. You may find that 'NEW' works better for you.

IMAP Server Configuration

You can set per-mailbox configuration for the IMAP server's host (default: 'imap.gmail.com'), port (default: 993), ssl (default: true), and start_tls (default: false).

If you want to set additional options for IMAP SSL you can pass a YAML hash to match SSLContext#set_params. If you set verify_mode to :none it'll replace with the appropriate constant.

If you're seeing the error Please log in via your web browser: https://support.google.com/mail/accounts/answer/78754 (Failure), you need to configure your Gmail account to allow less secure apps to access it: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255.

Running in Production

I suggest running with either upstart or init.d. Check out this wiki page for some example scripts for both: https://github.com/tpitale/mail_room/wiki/Init-Scripts-for-Running-mail_room


When running multiple instances of MailRoom against a single mailbox, to try to prevent delivery of the same message multiple times, we can configure Arbitration using Redis.

    :email: "user1@gmail.com"
    :password: "password"
    :name: "inbox"
    :delivery_method: postback
      :delivery_url: "http://localhost:3000/inbox"
      :delivery_token: "abcdefg"
    :arbitration_method: redis
      # The Redis server to connect with. Defaults to redis://localhost:6379.
      :redis_url: redis://redis.example.com:6379
      # The Redis namespace to house the Redis keys under. Optional. 
      :namespace: mail_room

Note: This will likely never be a perfect system for preventing multiple deliveries of the same message, so I would advise checking the unique message_id if you are running in this situation.

Note: There are other scenarios for preventing duplication of messages at scale that may be more appropriate in your particular setup. One such example is using multiple inboxes in reply-by-email situations. Another is to use labels and configure a different SEARCH command for each instance of MailRoom.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request
  6. If accepted, ask for commit rights


  1. specs, this is just a (working) proof of concept √
  2. finish code for POSTing to callback with auth √
  3. accept mailbox configuration for one account directly on the commandline; or ask for it
  4. add example rails endpoint, with auth examples
  5. add example configs for upstart/init.d √
  6. log to stdout √
  7. add a development mode that opens in letter_opener by ryanb √