


  1. First download these packages if you haven't already

    polybar bspwm sxhkd picom rofi ranger neofetch git
    nitrogen nerd-fonts-iosevka ttf-material-design-icons

  2. Then clone my repo

  3. Let's build the st terminal

   cd dotfiles/st/
   sudo make install

Type st in your terminal to see if it runs.

  1. Create a directory .config in ~/ (home) directory if not created already.

  2. Then go to dotfiles directory and move these folders to .config directory

    polybar bspwm sxhkd picom

If you already have some/all of these folders in .config then just replace their contents by the contents of my folders from my repo

  1. Make the files of bspwm and polybar executable
cd ~/.config/bspwm/
chmod +x bspwmrc
cd ~/.config/polybar/
chmod +x
  1. sxhkdrc contains all keybinds, modify them to your liking
  2. Go back to dotfiles directory and move .Xresources to ~/ (home) if you don't have it already. Update .Xresources
     xrdb merge ~/.Xresources
    .Xresources contains all the colors, and st terminal takes colors from Xresources
  3. The wallpaper is in the wall folder of dotfiles folder.
  4. Restart bspwm ( check the keybind in sxhkdrc)