
Control for route search using AMap(高德地图) as a backend. Supports the Chinese BD09 and GCJ02 coordinate systems, colourful lines, and turn-by-turn popups.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Control for route search using AMap(高德地图) as a backend. Supports the Chinese BD09 and GCJ02 coordinate systems, colourful lines, and turn-by-turn popups.





Getting Started

Install the dependencies:

npm install


 var route = new L.Routing(map,{
  		 transform: "WGS84",
        colorfulLine: true,
        isZoom: true
 route.getRoute(L.Routing.BYWALK, [39.94185, 116.431549], [39.98974, 116.40683]);

Default conf is :

set this properties at Leaflet.Routing.Amap/src/L.Routing.Conf.js.

Initialize Options

option name default comment
transform "WGS84" In China have a diffrent situation,so use diffrent map you need get you projection transformed. this properties depend on you base map,if you base map is WGS84 ,you'v got get filling-in "WGS84",we support three options,is "WGS84","BD09" and "GCJ02",if you base map is another, just extend this method.
color "RGBA(245, 224, 128, 1.0)" Set route polyline color ,you can try to set "multi".will have a different impact.
isZoom true if you don't want to you map zoom to result when result callback,you could set "false"
isShowRoutePopup true routePopup is open or not
isShowQueryPopup true Query result popup is open or not.



Beacuse of this methon is async so when you use this method , we just could put the result layer fill in the map.none return.but you can use event listener to listen this function.and getPOI too.

	getRoute(how, from, to);
option name describe
how has three options is "Bybus","Bywalk","Bycar"
from point format is like [lat,lng]
to point format is like [latlng]


option name describe
keyword keyword in you search


properties describe
routeLayer Result of route request
queryLayer Result of POI request
BYCAR This is static method, for "getRoute" how option
BYBUS This is static method, for "getRoute" how option
BYWALK This is static method, for "getRoute" how option


You can listen event below that.

	 var route = new L.Routing(map);
	 route.on("MARKCLICK", function (e) {		
     }, this)
Event Name describe
MARKCLICK When POI be clicked
WALKROUTEBACK When walk route back
BUSROUTEBACK When bus route back
CARROUTEBACK When car route back