
A tool for patching Gradle build scripts with newer Kotlin versions, meant for testing

Primary LanguageKotlin


A tool for patching Gradle build scripts with newer Kotlin versions, meant for testing


  1. Download a binary distribution from the releases page

  2. Unpack it and run bin/kotlin-version-changer or bin/kotlin-version-changer.bat, depending on your OS, with the parameters:

    • --project -- project root directory, e.g. C:\kotlin-gradle-test\
    • --version -- target Kotlin version, e.g. 1.1.2-eap-44
    • --destination -- destination to copy the project, process in place if not provided
    • --repository -- repository to add to buildscript and project, one of DEV, EAP, EAP12, LOCAL
    • --freeCompilerArgs -- a list of additional compiler arguments that will be passed to the compiler


    kotlin-version-changer.bat --project C:\kotlin-gradle-test\ --version 1.2-M2 --repository EAP12 --freeCompilerArgs "-Xprogressive -XXLanguage:+NewInference"

This tool does not analyze extension variables like ext.kotlin_version, instead, the versions are changed directly in the dependency declarations. Also, this tool is not meant for the projects you work with, because it does not follow Gradle idioms.