MEAN Stack Application: Job Trail
A job tracker app using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, AngularJS, and all four HTTP methods for RESTful Services
[Heroku Link] (
App Overview
Job Tracker is an application designed to save jobs of interest containing the most important information about the job post. Each job table contains: job title, company, link to the job, if the user had applied to job or not, the date the job was created and a notes section. Under notes section, the user can save the user and password he/she used when registering to the company site.
The user should be able to add new jobs, edit them or delete them if is not longer an option.
Original Wireframe
User Stories
User can:
- Add new jobs to the user page
- Save relevant links to job post
- Edit the elements of the job listing
- Delete jobs no longer are of his/her interest
- Identify which jobs have been applied to
- Add extra notes to each job posting
- User can search by any word
Stretch Goals (wish list)
- Add links to professional profiles such as LinkedIn, Resume, GA Profile so user can copy and paste when applying to a job.
- A user can search through the jobs listing by: jobs applied, level of interest or date.
- Add favorites page (model will need to be modified).
Model Used
position: String,
company: String,
jobLink: String,
applied: Boolean,
createdAt: Date,
notes: String
Logos are created by me. Images are saved in the images folder and also hosted on Imgur.