
Type 1: Zip file

  • Unzip the zip file in app/code
  • Enable the module by running php bin/magento module:enable Zagam_CustomerImport
  • Apply database updates by running php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Flush the cache by running php bin/magento cache:flush

Specifications and Usage(Customer Import):

  • Console Command

  • JSON profile - Place json inside var/import/ folder -

    php bin/magento customer:import sample-json var/import/sample.json

  • CSV profile - Place CSV inside var/import/ folder -

    php bin/magento customer:import sample-csv var/import/sample.csv

  • After customer import run script, we also need to make sure to re-index the Customer Grid indexer -

    php bin/magento indexer:reindex customer_grid

Specifications and Usage(Customer Address Import):

  • Console Command

  • JSON profile - Place json inside var/import/ folder -

    php bin/magento customer:address:import sample-address-json var/import/sample_address.json

  • CSV profile - Place CSV inside var/import/ folder -

    bin/magento customer:address:import sample-address-csv var/import/sample_address.csv

  • After customer import run script, we also need to make sure to re-index the Customer Grid indexer -

    php bin/magento indexer:reindex customer_grid