
Pentest Collaboration Framework - with automated docker build based on hardened ubi

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Pentest Collaboration Framework

Pentest Collaboration Framework - an opensource, cross-platform and portable toolkit for automating routine processes when carrying out various works for testing!
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‼️ Important Links

📖Installation Guide


✨ Features

  • :family_mmb: Teams
    • Work team
    • Personal team
  • ⛑ Pentest projects
    • 🖥️ Hosts
      • ip-address
      • hostnames
      • operation system
      • open ports
      • tester notes
    • 🐞 Issues
      • 🌐 Networks
      • 🔑 Found credentials
      • 📝 Notes
      • 💬 Chats
      • 📊 Report generation
        • 📁 Files
        • 🛠 Tools
      • 🔬 You can create private or team projects!
      • 💼 Team moderation.
      • 🛠 Multiple tools integration support! Such as Nmap/Masscan, Nikto, Nessus and Acunetix!
      • 🖥️ Cross-platform, opensource & free!
      • ☁ Cloud deployment support.

      📊 PCF vs analogues

      Name PCF Lair Dradis Faraday AttackForge PenTest.WS Hive
      Portable ✅💲
      Free ❌✅ ❌✅ ❌✅ ❌✅ ❌✅
      NOT deprecated!
      Data export ❌✅ ❌✅
      Made for sec specialists, not managers ❌✅
      Report generation
      API ❌✅
      Issue templates

      🛠 Supported tools

      Tool name Integration type Description
      Nmap Import Import XML results (ip, port, service type, service version, hostnames, os). Supported plugins: vulners
      Nessus Import Import .nessus results (ip, port, service type, security issues, os)
      Qualys Import Import .xml results (ip, port, service type, security issues)
      Masscan Import Import XML results (ip, port)
      Nikto Import Import XML, CSV, JSON results (issue, ip, port)
      Acunetix Import Import XML results (ip, port, issue)
      Burp Suite Enterprise Import Import HTML results (ip, port, hostname, issue, poc)
      kube-hunter Import Import JSON result (ip, port, service, issue)
      Checkmarx SAST Import Import XML/CSV results (code info, issue)
      Dependency-check Import Import XML results (code issues)
      OpenVAS/GVM Import Import XML results (ip, port, hostname, issue)
      NetSparker Import Import XML results (ip, port, hostname, issue)
      BurpSuite Import/Extention Extention for fast issue send from burpsuite.
      ipwhois Scan Scan hosts(s)/network(s) and save whois data
      shodan Scan Scan hosts ang save info (ip, port, service).
      HTTP-Sniffer Additional Create multiple http-sniffers for any project.
      WPScan Import Import JSON results (ip, port, hostname, issue)
      DNSrecon Import Import JSON/CSV/XML results (ip, port, hostname)
      theHarvester Import Import XML results (ip, hostname)
      Metasploit Import Import XML project (ip, port, hostname, issue)
      Nuclei Import Import JSON results (ip, hostname, port, issue)
      PingCastle Import Import XML results (ip, issue)
      MaxPatrol Import Import XML results (ip, port, issue)
      Scanvus Import Import JSON report (issue)
      Tenable.sc Import Import .nessus results (ip, port, service type, security issues, os)
      aiodnsbrute Import Import JSON/CSV results (ip, hostname)
      Advanced Port Scanner Import Import XML results (ip, hostname, port)
      RedCheck Import Import CSV results (ip, port, security issues)

      🙋 Table of Contents

      📖 Fast Installation Guide

      You need only Python3.

      ⚠️Better to have Python3 <= 3.9, or be ready that PIP will compile python dependency packages.

      During this compilation it may require to install other system dependencies.

      🖥️ Windows / Linux / MacOS

      Download project:

      git clone https://gitlab.com/invuls/pentest-projects/pcf.git

      Go to folder:

      cd pcf

      Install deps (for unix-based systems):

      pip3 install -r requirements_unix.txt

      or windows:

      pip.exe install -r requirements_windows.txt

      Run initiation script:

      (this script recreates database, but )

      # !!! read the text and input "DELETE_ALL" string
      python3 new_initiation.py

      or windows

      # !!! read the text and input "DELETE_ALL" string
      python.exe new_initiation.py

      Edit configuration:

      nano configuration/settings.ini


      old version: python3 app.py
      new version: python3 run.py

      or windows

      old version: python.exe app.py
      new version: python.exe run.py

      ☁️ Heroku

      ⚠️ From november 2022 Heroku free tier does not include PostgreSQL. So, you will be able to use it only at paid account⚠️

      👍 Easy way

      Deploy from our github repository:


      Careful: Check github repo last push version!

      You can check 😓Harder and 💀Impossible ways at 🌐wiki page!

      ☁️ AWS

      You can just follow the link and install PCF from AWS marketplace:


      🐳 Docker

      One line install

      Will be added later!

      Build by yourself

      Clone repository

      git clone https://gitlab.com/invuls/pentest-projects/pcf.git

      Go to folder:

      cd pcf

      Run docker-compose:

      # if it clean installation run this:
      # rm ./configuration/database.sqlite3
      docker-compose up

      and go to URL

      🤸 Usage

      Default port (check config): 5000 Default ip (if run at localhost):

      1. Register at http(s)://<ip>:<port>/register

      2. Login at http(s)://<ip>:<port>/login

      3. Create team (if need) at http(s)://<ip>:<port>/create_team

      4. Create project at http(s)://<ip>:<port>/new_project

      5. Enjoy your hacking process!

      API information: https://gitlab.com/invuls/pentest-projects/pcf/-/wikis/API%20documentation

      🖼️ Gallery

      image image
      Team information Projects list
      image image
      Project: issues Project: host page
      image image
      Project: hosts Project:services
      image image
      Project: issue info Project: issue info (PoC)
      image image
      Project: networks Project: files
      image image
      Project: tools (may be changed) Project: found credentials
      image image
      Project: testing notes Project: chats
      image image
      Project: settings Project: reports

      ⚠️ WARNING

      🚨 Default settings

      This program, by default, uses 5000 port and allows everyone to register and use it, so you need to set correct firewall & network rules.

      🔌 Initiation logic

      Careful with new_initiation script! It makes some important changes with filesystem:

      1. Renames database /configuration/database.sqlite3
      2. Regenerates SSL certificates
      3. Regenerates session key.
      4. Creates new empty /configuration/database.sqlite3 database
      5. Creates /tmp_storage/ folder

      🎪 Community

      If you have any feature suggestions or bugs, leave a GitLab issue. We welcome any and all support :D

      We communicate over Telegram. Click here to join our Telegram community!

      📝 TODO


      • Team config storage
      • Team report templates storage
      • Automatic database backup
      • Share Issues with non-registered users
      • Report generation
      • Fast popular password bruteforce check (top-10k)
      • REST-API
      • Network graph
      • Hash fast export/import
      • Add another databases
      • Add .doc report generation support
      • Issue templates
      • Backup/Restore from backup projects/teams


      • HTTP-sniffer
      • NetNTLM smb sniffer
      • Custom tool txt report upload support (added notes to hosts)
      • Hash fast check top-10k passwords
      • Export projects from Faraday/Dradis
      • Metasploit/Cobalt Strike integration

      Version 2.0

      • Vue.js
      • Websockets
      • Push messages (updates)
      • Database rebuild (objects)
      • hosts -> interfaces -> ports
      • hosts -> hostnames
      • Project file manager
      • Port -> Protocol:Software:Version
      • User-defined host marks (mark all hosts with open port)
      • TODO marks button every page
      • Dublicate hosts (join them?)
      • host MAC/AD domain/Forest

      🎁 Presentations

      🏢 Companies

      There will be companies list which use Pentest Collaboration Framework.

      If you want to add your company, then read next topic :)

      ❤️ Contribute

      If you want to help to project or encourage PCF developers, you can do any of the following:

      There was some frequent question:

      How to donate money to the project?

      No way. I do not guarantee that I will not abandon this project after a while, so the best "donation" will be a contribution to the development and distribution of the utility.

      How to make a merge requests to this repository?

      Again, no way. To develop PCF faster, I need to know all of its code, so just create an issue at gitlab with bug/feature request and some code example, which I may use to fix it.