
Ethereum swiss army knife/game/tool/superweapon

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Ethereum swiss army knife superweapon cli tool thing? for Ethereum hackers.


npm i -g ethernaut-cli

Warning! This software is still in alpha, and very experimental rn.

Intuitive navigation

No more man pages. No more --help.

Just type ethernaut and jump straight into an enquirer based navigation mode. Select a scope, select a task, and boom.

Enquirer navigation

Smart interactive mode

Once in a task, interactive mode kicks in, and parameters are collected through enquirer prompts.

Enquirer param collection

Normal CLI interaction

This is still a regular CLI app, so commands can be called without all the fancy ui or ai stuff:

Normal CLI mode

Ui extensions

Plugins of plugins? Why not.

Plugins that enhance parameter collection prompts in other plugins with even cooler prompts, smart suggestions, etc.

For example, the ui extension of the interact plugin can fetch the abi from Etherscan if you didn't provide an abi:

Etherscan custom abi prompt

But after you've interacted with the contract, it already has the abi, so the abi is instead suggested:

Abi suggestion

Natural language to cli commands

If that wasn't easy enough, just type whatever you want and AI will kick in to try to make sense of what you typed, and the right command or sequence of commands will be executed.

Ai natural language interpretation

You want the AI to also teach you how the commands work? Sure.

Ai command explanation

You want the AI to also teach you about Ethereum. Also sure.

Complete level 1

Extensibility through hardhat plugins

Interesting toy ain't it?

You don't have to use this entire plethora of features tho. You can use a single feature in your regular hardhat project with exactly what you need. This is because the ethernaut-cli is completely built with hardhat plugins.

You just want task navigation and interactive mode in your project: use the ethernaut-ui plugin.

Or the ai stuff: use ethernaut-ai plugin.

All the plugins combined conform the ethernaut-cli experience, and each is listed below:

Title Description
ethernaut-ai AI assistant that interprets user input and executes hardhat tasks
ethernaut-challenges Tasks for playing the Open Zeppelin Ethernaut challenges from the CLI
ethernaut-interact Tasks for sending transactions and interacting with contracts
ethernaut-interact-ui Ui extensions for the ethernaut-interact package
ethernaut-network Tasks for interacting with different networks
ethernaut-network-ui Ui extensions for the ethernaut-network package
ethernaut-ui Intuitive navigation and interactive param collection for hardhat tasks
ethernaut-util Simple, everyday utilities for Ethereum devs
ethernaut-util-ui Ui extensions for the ethernaut-util package
ethernaut-wallet Tasks for interacting from different Ethereum accounts
ethernaut-wallet-ui Ui extensions for the ethernaut-wallet package

Additional packages

Apart from plugins, the following packages can also be found on this monorepo

Title Description
ethernaut-cli Hardhat project that combines all the plugins above and produces the ethernaut-cli binary, etc
common Simple utilities used across all packages in the monorepo