
🧿 Graph visualizer for JIRA ticket dependencies (epics, tasks, statuses, links, and more).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Graph visualizer for dependencies between JIRA tickets (with subtasks and issue links).

  • Uses JIRA rest API v2 for fetching information on issues.
  • Uses Google Chart API for graphical presentation.

Example graph



Create an API token from your Atlassian account:

  1. Log in to https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens.

  2. Click Create API token.

  3. From the dialog that appears, enter a memorable and concise Label for your token and click Create.

  4. Click Copy to clipboard, then paste the token to your script, or elsewhere to save.

Refer to Atlassian support for more information.


git clone https://github.com/zarifpour/jira-dependency-graph.git
cd jira-dependency-graph
poetry install
poetry shell
python jira-dependency-graph.py --user=<JIRA_EMAIL> --password=<JIRA_API_KEY> --jira=https://<YOUR_ORGANIZATION>.atlassian.net <JIRA_ISSUE_KEY> --show-directions outward


  • Graphs are saved to /out/gv/ (.gv) and /out/png/ (.png)
  • If a filename is not specified, by default, the issue name(s) are used
  • Multiple issue-keys can be passed separated with spaces, i.e. ...atlassian.net JIRA-8 JIRA-11
python jira-dependency-graph.py --user=daniel.zarifpour@simbachain.com --password=A11P22I33K44E55Y --jira=https://simbachain.atlassian.net JIRA-899

🐕 Fetching issues.../

Graphs written to:

 - /path/to/jira_tree/out/gv/JIRA-899.gv
 - /path/to/jira_tree/out/png/JIRA-899.png

🎉 Woohoo, it's done!       %

Example graph

Useful flags

Description Flag Example Notes
Show directions --show-directions ... JIRA-8 --show-directions outward Only display outward/inward links. Useful to avoid cycles (recommended).
Exclude link --exclude-link ... JIRA-8 --exclude-link "blocks" Exclude specified links, repeatable for multiple links. Useful to ignore bi-directional edges.
Ignore Epic --ignore-epic ... --ignore-epic JIRA-8 Skip issues in an Epic.
Filter by issue prefix --issue-include ... JIRA-8 --issue-include BLK Display issues with a specific prefix. In this example the prefix is "BLK".
Exclude issue(s) --issue-exclude / -xi ... JIRA-8 --issue-exclude JIRA-2 Exclude specific issues, repeatable. Use as last-resort when other exclusions not suitable.
Use JQL --jql ... --jql 'project = Blockchain' Use Jira Query Language command instead of issue-keys.
Ignore closed --ignore-closed ... JIRA-8 --ignore-closed Ignore closed tickets.
No merge "relates to" --no-merge-relates ... JIRA-8 --no-merge-relates Avoid merging related issue edges (creates cycles).
PNG only --png ... JIRA-8 --png Save graph as ".png" only (Google API).
Graphviz only --gv ... JIRA-8 --gv Save graph as ".gv" only (does not hit Google API).
Filename --file ... JIRA-8 --file=graphimg Specify a custom file name for saving output. If not used, output is saved as a concatenated list of JIRA issue keys, which may cause errors if the list is too long.

Note ... is equivalent to python jira-dependency-graph.py --user=<JIRA_EMAIL> --password=<JIRA_API_KEY> --jira=https://<YOUR_ORGANIZATION>.atlassian.net


To make this tool even more awesome, consider some of the following when contributing.


Schemas makes data much easier to consume... To add a schema from the JIRA API:

  1. Copy-paste one of the JIRA json schemas into schemas/json/<SCHEMA>.json.
  2. Autogenerate the pydantic schemas with the datamodel-codegen tool (see code sample below).
  3. Replace constr(...) - in most cases - with Any from the typing package.
  4. Try fetching and processing some data from the API and update the schemas as you learn more about them.
datamodel-codegen  --input schemas/json/<SCHEMA>.json --input-file-type jsonschema --output schemas/<SCHEMA>.py


The pre-commit ensures code quality. Several checks are done upon each commit, including:

If these requirements are not satisfied, you will not be able to commit.

Alternatively, if the pre-commit checks are interrupting your workflow, use the following command:

git commit . -m '<COMMIT_MSG>' --no-verify

Conventional Commit

The pre-commit enforces the Conventional Commits standard for git commit messages. This is a lightweight convention that creates an explicit commit history, which makes it easier to write automated tools on top of.

To use the commit CLI run the command:


If you are using VS Code the extension Commitizen Support streamlines this process.


This is a fork of pawelrychlik/jira-dependency-graph, please refer to that repository for complete documentation (some features may be deprecated). The old repo's method of authentication (using a password) has been deprecated and you must now use your API key instead. It also enables duplicated relationships by default (i.e. nodes that are connected may have the relationship "blocks" and "is blocked by" pointing to each other). You may continue to use that repo and exclude these types of duplicated links - this repo excludes some of them by default.


  • Documented auth (API Key)
  • Opinionated exclusion of duplicate edges
  • Added poetry for simplified virtual environment management
  • Added pydantic schemas for clearer data parsing and validation
  • Added mypy typing to verify soundness of types
  • Added other code quality stuff...
  • Added support for Epics in team-managed projects
  • Added bearer token
  • Added storage of gv files without using google api
  • Fixed Dockerfile


Everyone from pawelrychlik/jira-dependency-graph
  • Thank you 🌈
Changes by jlinkohr
  • Added bearer token
  • Added storage of gv files without using google api
  • Fixed Dockerfile
Changes by svscorp
  • Improve compatibility with Python versions