
Primary LanguagePython


A django project, for monitoring lego prices on ebay.

Directory structure

By default, static files will be collected in ../public/, and data will be saved into ../database.sqlite, both one level up from the root of the git repo.

Perhaps you might want to organise your directories like so:

 |- database.sqlite
 |- public/
 |   `- static/
 `- src/ (<-- this is the git repo!)
     |- .git/
     |- .gitignore
     |- brickwatch/
     |   |- local_settings.py
     |   |- settings.py
     |   `- …etc
     |- catalog/
     |- manage.py
     `- …etc

Set up

Assuming a directory structure as above:

$ cd ~/projects/brickwatch
$ git clone git@github.com:zarino/brickwatch.git src
$ cd src
$ virtualenv env
(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(env)$ cp brickwatch/local_settings{.example,}.py

Then edit brickwatch/local_settings.py to include your ebay and brickset API credentials, and any other environment-specific changes you require.

For local development, you will want to compile the Sass files at /static/sass to CSS at /static/css:

(env)$ sass --watch static/sass:static/css

(In production, you’ll want to compile the Sass files one-off, and then run ./manage.py collectstatic to copy them into a directory that your webserver can serve up directly.)

Run the site

(env)$ ./manage.py runserver


market – everything to do with ebay listings, active or ended.

catalog – everything to do with lego sets, like their names, RRPs, and production dates.