iPhone stock checker

Searches for iPhone SE (Space Grey, 64GB) stock availability at Liverpool ONE Apple Store.


Install jq:

brew install jq

Create a file containing the email address at which you’d like receive notifications:

echo "mail@example.com" > email.txt

Replace /Users/zarinozappia/repos/iphone-stock-check/ in uk.co.zarino.iphonestockcheck.plist with the path to your checkout of this repo.

Install the plist and tell launchd to use it:

mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
cp uk.co.zarino.iphonestockcheck.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/uk.co.zarino.iphonestockcheck.plist

Check it’s installed:

launchctl list | grep zarino

The script will run once immediately upon being loaded into launchctl, and then every 600 seconds thereafter.

So you should get an email to the address you specified. If you don’t, any output generated by the script will be logged to stdout.log and stderr.log in the repo directory.


launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/uk.co.zarino.iphonestockcheck.plist
rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/uk.co.zarino.iphonestockcheck.plist