
check the popularity of a repo

Primary LanguagePython

Github popularity Check

this service check the popularity of the repository

a repository is popular when the score >= 500 where score = num_stars * 1 + num_forks * 2

the libraries we have used

  1. FastAPI
  2. unicorn
  3. httpx
  4. pydantic[dotenv]

NOTE: you you should install the env support version of pydantic to have the environment variable file .env be supported

$ pip install pydantic[dotenv]

with this you can make your own .env file, take a look at the .env.sample to see what variable we support.

in order to build the Docker image enter the below comnad

$ docker build -t my_github_popularity_check .

then you can run the image with docker compoer

$ docker-compose up

NOTE: if you are not familiar with Docker please take a look at the documentation

to run the tests enter the command below

$ pytest tests/

to run tests with coverage

$ pytest --cov-report html --cov=. tests/

to run the server locally simple enter the command in the root folder

python main.py

improvements in future:

  1. handle rate limits from the Github API
  2. implement load test with siege


before committing new changes please run the command tox to make sure some PEP8 rules are fixed

you can modify tox configs in tox.ini file