
This repo contains the code of IBA-Sys system participated in SemEval Task 5. The Lexicons used are cited below:

  1. Tim Loughran and Bill McDonald. 2011. When is a liability not a liability? textual analysis, dictionaries, and 10-ks. The Journal of Finance 66(1):35–65.
  2. Saif M. Mohammad, Svetlana Kiritchenko, and Xiaodan Zhu. 2013. Nrc-canada: Building the stateof-the-art in sentiment analysis of tweets. In Proceedings of the seventh international workshop on Semantic Evaluation Exercises (SemEval-2013). Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
  3. Nuno Oliveira, Paulo Cortez, and Nelson Areal. 2016. Stock market sentiment lexicon acquisition using microblogging data and statistical measures. Decision Support Systems 85:62–73.

The dataset for subtask 1 and 2 is available at http://alt.qcri.org/semeval2017/task5/index.php?id=data-and-tools

Please cite this paper if you use the code http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/S17-2140