
Wrap SimpleITK using Rcpp

Primary LanguageR

RcppSimpleITK is an R-package using the C++ interface of SimpleITK (using Rcpp) to overcome the slow for loops in R.

Install prerequisites

At the moment only Linux is supported, also OSX should work as well.

  • Linux: Build SimpleITK (including R-wrapping) and install the SimpleITK R-package (as described here, CMake and R build environment.

If you build SimpleITK as root with CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local, you can build the package globally and skip passing the args below.

Install RcppSimpleITK

via devtools from within R

Run the following command in R:

install_github("zarquon42b/RcppSimpleITK", args="--configure-args=-DSimpleITK_DIR=path_to_your_SimpleITK_install_dir")

On my machine, the argument would be

via command line

Get the source, either by cloning this repo or downloading the tarball and then issueing in a terminal

R CMD INSTALL --configure-args="-DSimpleITK_DIR=path_to_your_SimpleITK_install_dir" RcppSimpleITK[*.tar.gz]