
Sensu Admin Chef cookbook.

Primary LanguageRuby


Installs sensu-admin, a web interface for the Sensu API.


This cookbook uses test-kitchen. To converge and run tests:

gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec kitchen verify

Once converged, you may connect to the test-kitchen VM's IP in your browser and login as admin@example.com with the password 'secret'.


  • mysql - mysql::ruby recipe required to satisify mysql2 gem prerequisites
  • ruby - only used by Vagrantfile


SSL configuration

For ease of use with Vagrant, example ssl data is included in the data_bags directory. Please don't use this certificate in a live environment.



Installs sensu-admin rails app running on unicorn, front-ended by an nginx or apache proxy.


Install nginx as frontend http server (default)


Install apache as frontend http server instead of nginx (see attribute below)


Deploy sensu admin code from github repo


Setup unicorn configuration and init scripts for sensu-admin


node.sensu.admin.user - user to run sensu-admin as, defaults to 'sensu'

node.sensu.admin.group - ditto above

node.sensu.admin.host - hostname which nginx is configured to proxy for

node.sensu.admin.http_port - nginx http port, defaults to '80'

node.sensu.admin.https_port - nginx https port, defaults to '443'

node.sensu.admin.backend_port - unicorn port, defaults to '8888'

node.sensu.admin.repo - repo url for sensu-admin app

node.sensu.admin.release - specifies revision of sensu-admin to deploy

node.sensu.admin.base_path - path where sensu-admin will be deployed, defaults to '/opt/sensu/admin'

node.sensu.admin.frontend - 'nginx', 'apache' or 'none' for user facing http - defaults to 'nginx'. 'none' does not install a frontend which could allow for integration with othe existing frontend proxys.


  • Consider using nginx and/or unicorn cookbooks to configure those components in a more flexible manner.

  • Instrument database configuration (allow choice of sqlite, mysql, etc.)

  • Run bundler with --without-mysql when using sqlite (then we can skip including mysql::ruby recipe)

  • Use LWRPs from database cookbook to configure database when using mysql or similar, and configure the app for that case