ssh+rsync Docker image

Once configured to accept one or more ssh keys, it will permit one to use rsync+ssh to store data or to read data to/from the docker container.

The container is exporting:

  • port 22 (for ssh connections)
  • /data volume

Build image

docker build --rm -t ssh-rsync-image .

Run the container

  • First you need to create at least one ssh key (without passphrase)
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_rsync -N ''
  • Run the container:
docker run -itdP -p 22222:22 -v ~/data:/data -e AUTHORIZED_KEYS="rw:`cat ~/.ssh/`" --name ssh-rsync-server ssh-rsync-image
  • Check logs:
docker logs ssh-rsync-server 


  • Rsync local /etc to remote /data/etc (note: all paths are always relative to /data)
rsync -av -e "ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa_rsync -p 22222" /etc root@

About authorized keys:

  • each key has to be prefixed by rw: or ro:, repectively for read+write access or read-only access
  • multiple keys can be specified, separated by "," (commas)

Exemple: AUTHORIZED_KEYS="rw:myfirstkey, ro:mysecondkey"

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