

The goal of this project is to learn about database systems. I am specifically interested in systems that support analytics workloads, but there is no need to limit ourselves from the start. However, we will narrow our focus to those systems for now. We will learn about them and and test there performance with TPC. Starting with TPC-H because again we are interested in analytics. To make things easy and cheap, we'll start with DuckDB.

I also plan to tweak difference performance levers (partitions, sorting, etc) in both good and bad ways to understand and share the impacts on performance.

I will use dbt to make things easier here.

Any notes found in this repo are going to be notes. Possibly, I will put together more blog style documentation at some point.


I will learn about DuckDB by reading through this "Why DuckDB" page. My learnings can be found in the /duckdb directory in this repo.