

Premier League Survivor is a game centered around the English Premier League. The user can create an account. After creating an account, the user can create and join leagues. Each league will have a seperate leaderboard and is designed to be like a fantasy football laegue. The rules of the game are the following:

  1. Select only 1 game each matchweek per league (there are 38).
  2. You can only select one team 2 times throughout a single Premier League season.
  3. You can only select games that have not started.
  4. If a game that you have selected a winner from starts, you cannot change your pick.
  5. If you select a winner, you get 3 points. A tie is worth 1 point, and a loss is worth 0 points.


The Premier League Survivor MVP will allow users to create, join, and edit leagues. Within a league, users will compete with each other by selecting a winner each matchweek.


  • Make gameplay possible
  • Give a leaderboard for each league
  • Make the game logic work with the schedule picker and the backend
  • Allow users to close and open leagues that they created

Client (Front End)


  • Desktop - login, signup, and home screens login, signup, and home screens

  • Desktop - all leagues, league detail, create league, and edit league screens

all leagues, league detail, create league, and edit league screens

  • Desktop - picks and schedules screens

picks and schedule screens

  • Tablet - changes

tablet screen changes

  • Mobile - changes

mobile screen changes

Component Tree

Component Tree:

Component Hierarchy

|__ assets/
      |__ style.css
|__ components/
      |__ shared/
          |__ Layout.jsx
          |__ Header.jsx
          |__ Footer.jsx
          |__ Nav.jsx
      |__ MainButton.jsx
      |__ SecondaryButton.jsx
      |__ UserLeagueList.jsx
      |__ LoginSinupForm.jsx
      |__ Leagues.jsx
      |__ LeagueRow.jsx
      |__ LeagueInfo.jsx
      |__ Leaderboard.jsx
      |__ LeaderboardRow.jsx
      |__ EditLeagueForm.jsx
      |__ CreateLeagueForm.jsx
      |__ MatchweekDropdown.jsx
      |__ MatchweekForm.jsx
      |__ Picks.jsx
      |__ PickRow.jsx
|__ content/
      |__ login.js
      |__ home.js
      |__ signUp.js
      |__ allLeagues.js
      |__ leagueDetail.js
      |__ editLeague.js
      |__ createLeague.js
      |__ matches.js
      |__ picks.js
|__ screens/
      |__ Login.js
      |__ Home.js
      |__ SignUp.js
      |__ AllLeagues.js
      |__ LeagueDetail.js
      |__ EditLeague.js
      |__ CreateLeague.js
      |__ Matches.js
      |__ Picks.js
|__ services/
      |__ auth.js
      |__ leagues.js
      |__ schedulePicks.js

Component Breakdown

Use this section to go into further depth regarding your components, including breaking down the components as stateless or stateful, and considering the passing of data between those components.

Component Type state props Description
Layout functional n n contains the header, nav, and footer
Header functional n n contains the nav bar
Nav functional n n has links to help navigate throughout the site
Footer functional n n will house info to my personal site, gitbut, etc
MainButton functional n y main button to be used throughout the site
SecondaryButton functional n y secondary button to be used throughout the site
UserLeagueList functional y n shows all the leagues a user has joined
LoginSignupForm functional y y form to be used for both login and signup
Leagues functional y y _will contain the LeaguesRow - a list of all the open leagues that you can join _
LeaguesRow functional y y will have info about a single league
LeagueInfo functional y y info container on league screen
Leaderboard functional y y have the leaderboard for a single league
LeaderboardRow functional y y will contain a single row for the leaderboard
EditLeagueForm functional y y Form to edit a league
MatchweekDropdown functional y y will contain a dropdown for users to select the matchweek they want to look at
MatchweekForm functional y y will contain the form to make a selection for that matchweek
Picks functional y y will contain the list of all the users picks
PickRow functional y y will contain the row for a single user pick

Time Estimates

Task Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Setup Backend H 5 hrs hrs hrs
Auth H 2 hrs hrs hrs
League CRUD H 4 hrs hrs hrs
Matches/Pick Create & Read H 4 hrs hrs hrs
Layout M 3 hrs hrs hrs
Home Screen M 2 hrs hrs hrs
Leagues Styling M 2 hrs hrs hrs
League Detail Styling L 3 hrs hrs hrs
Edit League Styling L 3 hrs hrs hrs
Create League Styling L 3 hrs hrs hrs
Matches Styling M 8 hrs hrs hrs
Picks Styling M 2 hrs hrs hrs
TOTAL hrs hrs TBD

Server (Back End)

ERD Model

Entity Relionship Diagram


  1. Add more details to the home page (like best score, upcoming picks)
  2. Build a true survivor game. The rules change and you are lose the game when a selection loses or 3 selections tie.
  3. Views to see what teams have been picked each week and what picks a single user has made.